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is Baking Up a Positive & Engaged Community with BrandBastion

24/7 brand responses and real-time moderation

∼126 h Saved every month in moderating, engaging and analyzing
+84% Increase in
Engagement Rate¹
73% Positive and Neutral Sentiment
(monthly average)²

Case study time frame: 03/14/2023 -  03/13/2024. Data across Facebook and Instagram ads and organic assets.
¹Comparing first month of implementing BrandBastion solutions to 12 months after [03/14/2023 - 04/13/2023 with 02/14/2024 - 03/13/2024].
²Sentiment calculation: % positive conversations + % neutral conversations + % user tag conversations / total conversations


About Wildgrain

Wildgrain is an American brand that delivers slow-fermented sourdough bread, fresh pasta, and artisan pastries directly to your door. The subscription model allows customers to receive regular deliveries of bake-from-frozen items, conveniently scheduled to suit their preferences.

Wildgrain offers customized boxes of bread, rolls, croissants, pastas and other goods crafted by skilled bakers.




The Challenges

  • Responding swiftly and efficiently
    Social media serves as a crucial platform for brands like Wildgrain to connect with their customers. Amidst a constant stream of questions seeking insights into their products, Wildgrain aimed to promptly address inquiries and customer feedback with accurate responses.
  • Gathering customer feedback effectively
    Wildgrain aimed to be more data-driven, leveraging social media to grasp customer sentiments, preferences, and emerging trends. They needed a better way to analyze customer feedback, so they could make informed decisions regarding product development and marketing strategies.
  • Fostering a positive and inclusive environment
    Wilgrain is fully committed to ensure that their clients feel a sense of belonging and that diverse experiences are shared and valued. This commitment extends to its social media platforms, which require proactive moderation to maintain a positive space for its community and brand. 

Increasing Wildgrain response rate and community engagement

Wildgrain understands that building a community requires actively engaging with its audience, so they turned to BrandBastion’s fully managed community management solution to support their engagement efforts. BrandBastion responds on Wildgrain’s behalf 24/7/365, using their unique brand voice, to a variety of comments:

  • Conversations that contribute to foster brand loyalty and increase customer retention, such as Fan Community comments.
  • Conversations that have the potential to boost conversions and improve the customer experience such as Purchase Intent, FAQ, Constructive Feedback.
  • Conversations that could impact the customer experience if left unanswered, such as Customer Complaints.


"BrandBastion's community management service takes a significant workload off our teams' hands, helping us respond much faster to questions and comments via social media, ultimately enhancing overall member satisfaction.”

Alison MooradianVP of Marketing

The Smart Inbox enables personalized customer care and engagement

Wildgrain relies on BrandBastion’s platform to efficiently manage their audience engagement. The smart inbox helps Wildgrain decrease the amount of time dedicated to finding messages on individual platforms and answering with personalized responses — which gives the team more time for data analysis and strategic planning.

Additionally, the platform enables agent performance tracking through metrics like response volume and average response time, aiding internal recognition of high-performing agents and goal setting.



"Before we started using BrandBastion, our Member Support team had to toggle between Gorgias and Sprout Social to make sure all social media comments, mentions, and DMs were getting answered. BrandBastion brings all of these into one queue, which makes the workflow so much easier for our team."

Alison MooradianVP of Marketing

Listening to customer conversations to inform Wilgrain’s overall strategy

The BrandBastion platform enables Wildgrain's team to monitor social media conversations in real-time with sentiment analysis. This allows the team to align product development with the evolving needs of their target audience, and guide their marketing strategy.

Moreover, Wildgrain has full visibility into every action taken by BrandBastion on their behalf. With a detailed breakdown of engageable conversations and hidden comments categorized by tags, the team gains deeper insights into their audience's preferences and the most pertinent topics across their social channels.



"BrandBastion synthesizes member and non-member feedback on social media in a way that's easy to take action on. We have two product launches happening this summer that are the direct result of feedback from social media comments."

Alison MooradianVP of Marketing

Safeguarding the community well-being

For Wildgrain, promoting healthy, nutritious choices goes beyond food - it also requires fostering a positive community atmosphere free from harmful content.

  • BrandBastion stands guard around the clock, monitoring comments in 109 languages to swiftly moderate any harmful content, including spam, scams, violence, profanity, or inappropriate remarks.
  • BrandBastion sends real-time alerts for pressing situations like post issues or severe events, enabling the team to promptly address urgent matters, including food safety, and enhance the customer experience.


"It's a relief to know that BrandBastion is moderating our social media accounts on a 24/7 basis, to make sure they remain a safe online space."

Alison MooradianVP of Marketing

Wildgrain enhances community engagement

Wildgrain's proactive approach to managing social media conversations has delivered tangible results:

icon_2 Higher engagement rate: Partnering with BrandBastion has led to Wilgrain issuing more brand replies on a monthly average through the fully managed services and smart inbox. This heightened responsiveness has contributed to a more engaged community, evidenced by an 84% increase in engagement rate.

icon_3 A positive community: Wildgrain leverages insights from social media monitoring, while BrandBastion swiftly hides harmful comments in real-time to mitigate any harm to the brand’s reputation and community. This has contributed to achieving  a positive net sentiment score each month and a 46% net sentiment score (monthly average).

icon_1 Reclaimed valuable time: Delegating tasks such as moderating conversations, replying to comments, and analyzing sentiment to BrandBastion is saving Wildgrain ∼126 hours per month. This reclaimed time allows the team to focus on more strategic initiatives, enhancing operational efficiency and productivity.

Wildgrain reclaims valuable time

126 Hours saved per month

30 Hours saved moderating

With BrandBastion Protects (compared to doing this manually)

76 Hours saved replying

52 hours saved with BrandBastion Engages + 24 hours saved using the Smart Inbox (compared to doing this manually)

20 Hours saved analyzing sentiment

With BrandBastion Tech & Platform (compared to doing this manually)

Wildgrain’s community is more engaged

+84% Increase in engagement rate¹

Wildgrain’s community is constantly positive

73% Positive and Neutral Sentiment
(monthly average)²

Case study time frame: 03/14/2023 -  03/13/2024. Data across Facebook and Instagram ads and organic assets.¹ Comparing first month of implementing BrandBastion solutions to 12 months after [03/14/2023 - 04/13/2023 with 02/14/2024 - 03/13/2024].² Sentiment calculation: % positive conversations + % neutral conversations + % user tag conversations / total conversations

We calculated potential hours saved with BrandBastion by estimating that each human moderates 60 comments per hour, spends 5 minutes per reply, and assigns sentiment to 90 messages if these tasks are done manually on each social platform. Additionally, we assumed a conservative 70% assistance rate from BrandBastion's AI smart inbox.


"BrandBastion has been significant in upholding the safety and positive engagement of our audience. With their continuous monitoring, this enables our internal team to focus on cases that require a personalized touch and our in-house expertise. Additionally, by providing us with up-to-date real-time reporting, including sentiment analysis and highlighted trends within our comments, BrandBastion empowers us to make immediate and efficient decisions in our marketing and customer engagement strategies."

Daniel GrantMember Experience Lead

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