We'll protect your brand from harmful comments
During 30 days, we'll hide harmful conversations on your behalf 24/7. We will also send you alerts when your brand is at risk.
With BrandBastion in place, we have a finger on the pulse across our social media conversations and we know our community is protected from harmful engagement. We have peace of mind that Netflix’s paid social engagement is being well-managed 24/7 thanks to the BrandBastion teams attention to detail, bias to action, and clear communication.
- Evan Irwin, Growth Marketing at Netflix
Protect your brand against damaging conversations
We hide harmful comments from spam to brand attacks in 109 languages. With BrandBastion, you can rely on AI and human expertise to quickly identify and remove harmful content from your paid and organic social media channels.
Prevent reputational crises & react fast to issues
We give you the power to protect your brand from potential crises or reduced ROAS. Our real-time alerts let you know when a post is receiving a peak of negative sentiment or when there's a broken link or a typo, so you can take action before the issue escalates.
Get real-time insights on harmful comments
Get a breakdown of the different types of harmful comments and examples of conversations that we are hiding. Uncover sentiment trends and understand which posts are not resonating to inform your marketing strategy by accessing our platform.
What Makes Us Different
We moderate comments and alert you
Our AI instantly detects and categorizes harmful comments, so we can quickly moderate and alert you. Supported by our human content specialists to ensure accuracy at scale.We analyze & tag each comment
Each comment your brand receives is analyzed and labeled with a category (e.g., brand attack, spam, etc.) to ensure consistency when moderating and offer you better insights into the content you're receiving.We are an extension of your team
A dedicated Account Manager will help you define your community guidelines, considering your brand's industry and current social climate, and frequently share recommendations to keep your brand safe.Book a Meeting
Let's start your free trial!